
Friday, 15 July 2011

Take on a 30-day challenge!

Ordinary things practiced consistently produce extraordinary results

Do you know that feeling of disappointment and guilt that comes from setting a goal and giving up on it after a couple of days or weeks? When you wanted to change but after some time you relapsed and failed? Sustaining motivation for a long-term goal is hard to achieve, and yet the best goals can usually only be accomplished in a few months or even years. 

However, instead of focusing on your final goal, focus on creating a sustainable habit that will lead and help you to achieve your goal. Focus on the process, focus on everyday action and develop new habits. 30-day challenge is great to get you into the habit of everyday practice. Ordinary things practiced consistently produce extraordinary results. So just keep doing them!

30-day challenge - how to do it
  1. Set your task for the next 30 days. Think of something you want to do. 
  2. Nothing too big or too complicated: start simple and take baby steps. Be specific. Know exactly what you want to do everyday during this challenge.
  3. Make it a positive. If you want to change a negative habit (quit an addiction), then replace it with a positive action like e.g. “running for stress relief” etc. Otherwise you would be focusing on a negative. If you were about 'to do' not drinking and not smoking, then certainly drinking and smoking would be on your mind. To avoid this focus on a positive action. Formulate your task in a positive, affirmative way. This will help you to neutralise your urge. To put is simply, it is much easier to avoid doing something by doing something else. Be ready to put your new positive habit in action in situations, times and places you used to do otherwise. Plan how you are going to beat your urges. Formulate your task in a positive way.
  4. Tell yourself you are going to do this for the next 30 days – without a fail. Commit yourself completely. No might, no should, no trying. Take it serious. Practice until you succeed. If you fail, do not beat yourself. Start a new 30-day challenge. Practice until you succeed.
  5. Tell your friends and colleagues – this positive public pressure will be motivating. You can set up a reward after completing successfully every seven days’ period within first 30 days. Make sure these are good, motivating rewards, helping you to stay on the track.
  6. Mark your progress. Use a log, diary or a chart to measure your success.
  7. Always stay positive and remember – you can do this! 
You may use this method to develop a new habit and change your life. You can get healthier, more successful, you may learn foreign language, become a writer, save money, quit addiction, become more productive, and develop a new hobby. 

30-day challenge! You can do this





Some ideas for 30-day challenge:

  • Have a conversation with a stranger
  • Ask somebody new for a date (unless your success ratio is below 3% you will get at least one date and maybe you will meet your future spouse)
  • If you are in a relationship offer your partner a massage everyday (it will be 30) or agree with your partner to alternate (so each of you will get 15)
  • Meditate
  • Read something on a subject you are interested in
  • Read a book for 30 minutes
  • Take a long walk
  • Exercise (or go to the gym)
  • Write a page of your novel, blog, diary, or write a poem
  • Take a picture (and post it on the Internet)
  • Learn a new word everyday
  • Juggle for 15 minutes
  • Draw or paint something
  • Go 30 days without TV (you need to come out with a set of positive tasks to fill your time)
  • Eat healthy food everyday – including fresh fruits and vegetables (give up junk food)
  • Learn a language (of course 30 days will be not enough to master a foreign language)
  • Spend 30 minutes on learning something new
  • Go out to different places everyday and do something fun
  • Get up early
  • Do something completely new (and write about it).
  • You may also prepare a special program for yourself with different tasks for every day.
I assume you are about to start your 30-day challenge now and you will carry on for at least 30 days. You may take different approaches – depending what you want to do or what you want to achieve. 30-day challenge may be aimed at things like: health, fitness, relationships, your personal and professional life, creativity, developing a new hobby, starting doing something completely new, appreciating life more, helping your community, etc. 30-day challenge technique is perfect to improve and to develop a new habit. Ordinary things practiced consistently produce extraordinary results. Just keep doing it and enjoy the process.

Of course, after accomplishing your 30-day challenge you are free to go back to your old habits. Actually, this is a refreshing thought – you have to keep doing something just for 30 days and then you can quit. Keep clean your place for 30 days, and then you can slack off. Read for an hour a day for 30 days, and then go back to watching TV if you want. It is easier to keep going if you know that all you have to do is to accomplish your 30 days. By the way, this idea may help you to stay clean. Chances are that after 30 days you will feel strong enough to take another 30 days of challenge!

You can choose to do a simple activity, or you can choose a set of different tasks. You can create a program of activities – each different for each day. Remember to be specific. If this is reading or writing decide how long or how many pages you are going to read or write every day.

Ordinary things practiced consistently produce extraordinary results
Make them happen 
After 30 how you can not do 31 and set a new personal record?
Oh, and by the way, shower/bath/shave everyday.
 I know YOU don’t need this one, so please pass it along to someone who does.

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