
Sunday 14 August 2011


As an immigrant I am very grateful for tolerance and inclusiveness of British society. Open, tolerant and inclusive society is a wonderful thing but there are some setbacks. Opposing different forms of discrimination is certainly the right thing to do.

However, I see a danger of new social taboos which make facing certain problems almost impossible. People who are trying to raise certain issues or even refer to certain facts are sometimes automatically branded certain terms and accused, for example, of racism or islamophobia. Pussyfooting, political correctness, multicultural sensitivity – all raised to such a level they became rules of the game.

At the moment it seems to me that this trend, this practice is not no longer as beneficial as it used to be back then in times when there was a huge level of discrimination. Nowadays it is rather harmful and prevents open discussion. People are constrained from having “real talk” and afraid of new social taboos. Others take advantage of it. Sometimes it looks like it is not so important what somebody is really saying but what others will make out of what he or she is saying. In the public sphere these days certain discussions are almost postponed in fear of offending somebody.   


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