
Thursday, 18 February 2010

Four elements, four nations and the Avatar

/Trailer below!/ In the spring of 2001 Bryan Konietzko took an old sketch of a balding middle-aged man and re-imagined him as a child. Then he drew this figure in the sky with a flying bison and showed the drawing to Michael Dante DiMartino who at that time was studying a documentary about explorers trapped in ice deserts of the South Pole. With such modest beginning came to life extremely popular and brilliant award-winning animated series "Avatar: The Last Airbeneder" (a.k.a "Avatar: The Legend Of Aang"). I had never thought the production aimed at 6-11 years old audience will be interesting to the point I will be willing to watch all three "Books" (Water, Earth, Fire) consisting of 61 episodes altogether (25 minutes long each). Which, I have to admit I did. However, I consider “Avatar: The Last Airbender” as a one of the best titles in its genre with audience not necessary limited to children.
12-years old boy Aang wakes up from a century-long hibernation. His task will be to defeat the mighty Fire Lord Ozai and save the world. For this purpose he must learn specific “bending” powers of the four elements: Air, Water, Earth and Fire; which also constitute the separate styles of martial arts. Aang also must face guilt and loss. He has to control his emotions, accept responsibility, grow and learn new skills, etc. - which is difficult since he is just a fun-loving, 12 years old …monk. As a small child he had chosen the toys belonging to previously living avatars. Thanks to that fact monks were able to recognize him as a new avatar – a new incarnation, a new manifestation spirit of the planet. Avatar’s task is to maintain a delicate balance in the universe between the four elements and respectively between their four nations. These four nations are: Air Nomads (Aang belongs to this nation), Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation. Due to tense geopolitical situation monks who were raising Aang decided to drastically reduce his childhood, and hasten his training which indirectly and accidentally resulted in Aang being trapped in the ice with his flying bison Appa. After hundred years of time Aang has been found by Katara and Sokka - siblings from the Southern Water tribe from whom he learnt that during his absence Fire Nation had started war in which Air Nomads were destroyed (except Aang) while other nations were closed to being completely defeated and conquered.
I assume after reading the above short introduction every enthusiast of the Far East culture would have been pricking up his or her ears at least a few times. Because the action of "Avatar" is set in a brilliantly created fantasy world saturated in rich Far East culture and history. It is easy to notice various elements of Indian, Chinese, Tibetan, Japanese and Eskimo (Inuit), etc. cultures. It includes spirituality, philosophy, history, arts – everything. So we have references to the history of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhist traditions including the search of tulku. Have you ever seen animation for children about chakras? Here you have a one. The whole episode is devoted to chakras meditation with detailed explanation where chakras are located and how they work. There is yoga, chi energy, Taoism, shamanism (and the shaman's spiritual journey to the spirit world), Chinese calligraphy, eating with chopsticks, brewing green tea, temples, Lotus Secret Society, Chinese Wall, Forbidden City and so on. The previously mentioned styles of fighting are actually the authentic styles of Chinese kung fu (wushu to be correct): Ba Gua for airbending (Air), Tai Chi for Waterbending (Water), Hung Gar for earthbending (Earth) including Chu Gar (Southern Style Praying Mantis) exclusively for Toph, and Bei Shaolin (Northern Shaolin) for firebending (Fire).
In addition to this fascinating cultural spectrum, we have a whole gallery of excellently designed and created heroes. Besides of Aang we have (among others): practically orphaned siblings Katara and Sokka who are accompanying Aang from the very beginning of his journey, blind earthbender Toph raised as the only child of wealthy and overprotective parents, Prince Zuko who wants to capture Avatar to please his father who rejected him. Deep and compelling characters contribute to interesting interactions and vivid action. It is also impossible not to notice the elements of western psychology and therapeutics.
The show is in all its aspects simply great and if you are interested how Far East themes are present in modern pop-culture, “Avatar: The Last Airbender” is a must see. By the way, I remember watching on YouTube the reaction of the audience during preview of Avatar’s season three in the theatre. People just freaked out and I was even able to hear shouting adults. Which explains why upcoming on July 2010 live-action film “The last Airbender” is so much anticipated. It may be not as good as the original, I'm afraid, but we will see.

© copyrights MG

PS: Here is the final trailer and creators: Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino. Notice the reaction from the audience! VIDEO

Friday, 12 February 2010

Natalie looks into the mirror

Mirrors. Natalie had been spending quite a lot of time with mirrors everyday. In the morning making make-up, in the evening cleaning her face. During the day checking the powder on her nose, looking in the mirrors in the shops and windows on the streets.
Mirrors were obviously interested in Natalie.
Mirrors were looking at her curiously, they were smiling to her, they were giving her affirmative looks and they admired her. Other times quite opposite - they were accusing her and her outfits, they were revealing her imperfections.
Natalie was very interested in the mirrors' content. She looked into the mirrors every day.

But she had never seen herself.
And then a bad thing happened to Natalie, so bad, that she cried.
However, after some time, she had started to think that it was not such bad thing after all. And finally, one day she realized suddenly, that actually, it was a very good thing for her and for her life.
At that moment, just by coincidence, she looked into her pupils in the mirror. She realized she had never been looked into herself before. Something had opened in her and she understood everything she needed to. And she was very happy deep in her heart.
'I promise' she whispered.
Since then Natalie has become a mirror for herself.

© copyrights MG
PS: I had been asked to start to talk to a person next to me and ask some questions. Then to present to others what I had learned about that person. Then write a story. 
At the beginning I had no clue what to say and what to write, because I didn’t ask many questions. However, when Natalie had been describing me I noticed she had put her attention to unimportant details - mariginal for me. She had been looking at me through the prism of her life experience.
‘Wait’ I wanted to say loudly ‘this is not about me, this is about you!’ And then I had the idea about mirrors. So I have written about her from my own perspective.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Grandma was cool – “Legion” (2010)

It seems to me filmmakers are determined to regale us with all unimaginably weird apocalyptic scenarios before the end of 2012. “Legion” is confusing – not because is complicated but because makes no sense whatsoever.

God has lost his faith in humanity and decided to exterminate human race but humanity will not perish as long as a particular unborn baby lives. Why? We don’t know. Anyway, hosts of angels try to kill the child and its mother. However, there is a renegade angel who has a different idea. He becomes a protector of the conceived life and humanity. His name is Archangel Michael and he starts his rebellion against God by cutting off his own wings. Then he takes a lot of guns, gets into the car and drives into the desert. There, in the middle of nowhere there is a diner where the pregnant woman works as a waitress. Michael gives weapons to the staff and travellers who happened to be there. With these they fend off hordes of possessed by angels zombie-like people. At the end two angels in homoerotic tension stare at each other, talk and fight.

Don’t make a mistake - this one tastes like a B-class movie. It could be better. It suffers from excessive and unconvincing dialogs, is a little bit slow and has a lot of clichés. Nothing special – but grandma was cool.

© copyrights MG

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

"Claymore" - cute girls, huge swords and monsters

„This little girl, who’s not even half my size taught me that tears can flow even from these silver eyes.”

Action of "Claymore” (anime and manga) is a dark medieval world where dangerous monsters called Yoma prey on humans. They have unique capabilities that make them excellent predators. They are strong, fast, and able to assume human shape. After devouring a victim’s brain yoma can assimilate his or her memories and live in disguise among humans. Little towns and villages are practically defenceless against yoma.

However, there is a mysterious and shadowy organization which gathers little girls – often orphans who lost their parents to yoma - and train them into super soldiers. Those super warriors are called Claymores due to their huge swords. Claymores are able to find yoma and effectively fight them. Unfortunately, the price is very high – they are not human anymore – they are becoming hybrids: half human, half Yoma.

However, those women warriors still have human memories and experience human emotions. Although fierce fighters, they are traumatised young girls deep inside. Moreover, each claymore lives with a constant threat of losing her human mind and becoming a monster herself, monster even more dangerous than a regular yoma. Therefore, claymores say that since they were born humans, they want to live and die as humans.

The main character Clare is the only one who ever voluntarily subscribed to the Organization. As a little girl she met Teresa, number one among the claymores. Touching and shocking story of Clare and Teresa is one of the best I have ever seen (anime) or read (manga). Apart of Clare and Teresa author introduce to many other deep and compelling characters.

Created by Norihiro Yagi world, although dark is not depressing. The author of the manga masterly builds tension, surprises his readers and depicts deep human emotions and relationships in convincing manner. Manga “Claymore” belongs to the best and is very popular. Based on manga so far there has been created just 26 episodes of TV anime up to the North Campaign and the invasion of North Pieta. Unfortunately, the last episode differs from that one of the manga. In the manga the story of Clare and other claymores is continued. Music and voices of Japanese seiyū (voice actresses for animated characters in the anime TV series) are superb. In this month manga "Claymore" celebrated its hundredth episode. Naturally, "Claymore" is one of the best, but two words of warning: "Claymore" is addictive and not for children.

Apart of the manga and anime (both can be found on the web) two CDs have been released: Claymore TV Animation OST with music from the series, and Claymore Intimate Persona with ten songs; each reflecting different Claymore character and performed by different actress.

© copyrights MG

It is getting better

My grandmother used to say better before the war even apples had been better. Individuals and societies - many of us humans tend to embellish the past and complain about the present. This phenomenon is variously manifested but one question remains: Is the world really getting worse? And is that true in the past life used to be better?

The fact is that in the past people used to live in much worse conditions. Nowadays our life is much better in terms of its quality and in terms of life expectancy. With that statement may disagree various fundamental religious groups within Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In the Judeo-Christian tradition time is linear - it has the beginning and it has the end. In those traditions people are awaiting for the Judgement Day, Armageddon, the end of human history and punishment all wicked and unbelievers. Then in the paradise (on earth or in heaven) there will be everlasting true peace and justice. According to such beliefs before will be 'better' first must be 'worse' because only if there will be miserably enough here the God Almighty will intervene at the end of times. Jehovah's Witnesses, for example, referring to the Bible, believe that we live in the last days which are hard to bear, and soon God will bring the world to His divine order.

But the facts are that we live better and better. Take the account of the violence. In modern societies, death as result of violence affects only a small fraction of the population. We live longer, many diseases have been eliminated, and hygiene and living conditions have been improved. Old nightmares of humanity decimating population of the medieval Europe - famine and plague - have been eliminated in modern societies. Tourism and leisure have been invented. And I would say we just have started - our modern civilization just has started some 200-300 years ago with the industrial revolution.

The picture is different for preindustrial societies. According to some researches endemic tribal warfare and vendetta causes from 15% to 60% mortality in primitive populations still existing in places where time has stopped - e.g. Yanomami Indians of the Amazon jungle. In the Bible there are descriptions of unbelievable violence and cruel warfare. There were no human rights. Life was short, difficult and far more brutal.

If we take into account the history of mankind up to contemporary times we can notice without doubt the quality of our modern life is far better than reality everyday life of our ancestors.

See what says Steven Pinker about the myth of violence: VIDEO

© copyrights MG

Monday, 8 February 2010

About "Book of Eli"


The plot can be summarized as follows: in a post-apocalyptic world, guided by faith (and a voice in his head) wanderer (Denzel Washington) saves from oblivion the last copy of ...the Bible. Yes, not the Koran, not the book of Mormon, only the last copy of the Bible. Causing this disputable service to humanity, apart from the Bible and faith, our hero has a machete, bow, and gun and uses them with suspiciously deadly accuracy. It doesn't seem to be very Christian to me. Could it be directors were inspired by Old Testament's prophets and heroes who weren't holding back from extreme violence? If so, then they were not trying hard enough. Old Testament remains still far more brutal.

But what is more interesting: the film suggests the surviving people have destroyed almost all copies of the Holy Scriptures. Could it be a religious conflict which cased such destruction? Some light on this issue sheds main 'bad' character - gang chieftain and leader of the small town (Gary Oldmnan). He wants to get the Bible at any price - as a powerful weapon allowing totalitarian control over hearts and minds of human masses. The marriage of religion and politics - that's how you supposed to rebuild civilization and create an empire.

Instead of emphasizing such interesting and iconoclastic conclusions, the filmmakers go into a preaching mode. Encountered chick (Mila Kunis) almost immediately assimilates prayer and begins to believe - despite of initial restraint from God's man-on-the-mission. Such a quick and blind conversion is not really convincing. Interesting is the fact Eli has been already wandering 30 years through apocalyptic wilderness on his way from New York to California. According to Google Maps it should take 39 days and 4 or 5 hours. However, what would you expect from God knowing the biblical Israelites had been wandering for 40 years through much smaller desert on their way to Land of Promise?

In conclusion this post apocalyptic action flick has its strange religious component. For this reason it may be interesting but makes no sense. Considering violence and geopolitical issues I think Koran would fit better and would be more convincing than the Bible. It would better serve to the plot. A little slow, strange and not convincing but there are some good moments and unexpected surprises.

© copyrights MG

"Avatar" and critics

Hundreds if not thousands reviews, opinions and comments have been written about James Cameron's "Avatar". The movie is widely commended particularly for its stunning technical and visual achievements. Just after few weeks after its release "Avatar" has become the most profitable film in movie history, overtaking 'Titanic'. On Rotten Tomatoes "Avatar" has gained very positive reviews (over 80%) => LINK 

However, there is a minority of those who do not like the movie. Some of them coined a new term for ardent Avatar's fans: 'avatards'. However, among harsh critics and opponents are not just perpetually dissatisfied naysayers which can be found on some online forums. There are some more prominent critics who criticised the film as controversial. But then the truth has to be told: it rarely happen a Hollywood blockbuster able to elicit deep emotions and provoke global responses all over the world. Opinions about "Avatar" were presented not only by critics and press but also by Evo Morales, Bolivian president who liked the movie and by Vatican (Vatican's media - Vatican Radio and newspaper l'Osservatore Romano were critical saying e.g. the flick glorifies worshipping nature). Conservative America has been very negative about the movie. Some additional flavour comes with the news that James Cameron; director of both "Avatar" and "Titanic" and allegedly a member of the Masonic lodge took an advantage from utilizing some secret mind-influencing techniques - at least according to proponents of conspiracy theories => LINK. Then still "Avatar" seems to be unaffected by its critics and opponents. The good word of mouth is spreading and many viewers choose to watch the film twice or even more times - especially in 3D. Controversies and discussions just make more people curious.

While viewers vote with their feet, critics point out the similarity to "Pocahontas" and many other movies and books. 'Have you heard James Cameron wants to make "Avatar 2"? He just has to wait for Kevin Costner and his "Dances with Wolves 2" '- reads one of the jokes. Therefore, is that meaning "Avatar" is unoriginal and predictable? And more importantly - is that really bad?

I do not think the use of narrative schemes and archetypes testifies against the movie. In fact, the truth is quite opposite which allows viewers to identify themselves with the characters and themes of the movie. "Avatar" may be not too original in terms of the plot but is originally, beautifully and breathtakingly made. Similarly, opera or theatre goers rarely expect original plot. Besides, it would be really difficult to point out any 'original' movie or book since the repeated themes exist since the first myths had been created. Successful movies in terms of popularity require something people can be related to and something people want to watch. And here "Avatar" delivers.

The further allegation is the characters are 'not deep enough' and their lines are shallow. Well, this is an epic, adventure and action sf flick, not a psychological drama. Would you expect sophisticated language from 'marines'? Its true Avatar’s dialogs serve the main story and some of them are superb. Many side issues are left unexplored, some threads were cut out - but come on, the movie is already 2 hours and 40 minutes long. => LINK

Some people do not like films with messages. As far as I understand, they would prefer 'pure' entertainment and no 'preaching'. "Avatar" is not preachy. It has been hailed as an anti-war, anti-militaristic, anti-capitalistic, anti-American, liberal, green, neopagan, pantheistic, glorifying nature rather than the creator (yes, that's from Vatican) etc. I agree it contains messages which go along well with the screenplay but is far away from 'preaching'.

Some people do not like references to contemporary "war on terror" others say "Avatar" is a racist film with the 'white man's guilt' theme. Reservations for the film had even feminists - in the end why the protagonist is a man? And why always he is the one who saves the day? (Well, to tell the truth not always) It appears people are able to notice in this allegedly simplistic and trivial story so much. For me it is a proof of genius. Moreover, the director (who is Canadian) managed to convince his American audience to Na'vi - non-human inhabitants of Pandora so well up to the point they sympathise with "traitors to the human race ' and blue natives killing 'marines' on the screen.

It cannot be denied the film carries its political, social, humanistic, spiritual, and other messages but they fit very smoothly with the whole plot and action. "Avatar" is a powerful, bold, epic and humanistic masterpiece, the unforgettable experience which simply is a 'must-see' in the cinema - the IMAX or 3D.

© copyrights MG

Guildhall (hilarious short story)

Buildings have its names and the name of this one was Guildhall. His entrance was comparatively small and insignificant in compare to his content. Well, after all, it was not his main entrance. This visit was meant to be special. For the first time I spoke to him.

"Good evening" I said.

“Good evening” said he and opened his automatic door for me. I was very grateful for that. I do not like to touch surfaces which are notoriously touched by many other people. God knows what nasty things they could have been doing with their sticky hands before. Digging in their noses, masturbating, eating chocolates? Thanks to Guildhall for his automatic door.

“Everything all right?” I asked him.

“Well, well, well, you speak buildnigish! Let me tell you, sir, not every human understands the speech of buildings! And a few can speak with us. Most of them occupy psychiatric wards all over the country, I must say… You are very welcome! Anyway, how I can be of any assistance, sir?”

“Oh, come on, as far as I know the Queen hasn’t knighted me yet.”

“OK, OK! Easy, man! No more shit, man!”

“Ehm” I coughed “Let’s do not get to extremes. I know you have a cinema here. No gangsta, please”

“Just kidding. By the way, I have two cinemas, not just a one. Cinemas and hip-hop dancing is a one thing, but please remember I have a lot of other activities here. You can meet here artists, dancers, wanna-be-writers, singers, yoga teachers and so on.”

“Wanna-be-writers. I like it” I said.

“Yes, they have just started two weeks ago. Nothing really special. I prefer to watch dances or some movies. For the first time here?” Guildhall asked.

“Well, it will be my third time. I have started two weeks ago. We didn’t talked before because you seemed be much more interesting in dancing and movies.”

“So many people comes here. But you came not for…”

“I’m afraid, I did.”

“Creative Writing?“

“Yes. Wanna-be-writers, as you have put accurately.”

“Oups! I am so sorry!”

“It’s OK. Let’s say, they are, well, we are wanna-be-writers. No things like Harry Potter in our portfolios so far. We do what we do for fun, for expressing ourselves, I think. Maybe we will be famous one day?”

“In that case your group is upstairs but not in the same room as before, due to premiere. Go to the room no 2.”

“All right” I said

“And I know that you guys will go for sightseeing tonight. You are lucky.”

“Sightseeing? For what?

“For inspiration, I suppose.”

“What we are going to sightsee?”


“That’s interesting…”

“I am” agreed Guildhall.

“Ehem, that‘s great.” I said.

“Thank you.”

“And I am lucky, because…?”

“And you are lucky, because you will see me. Moreover, I can show you my world, I can show you my true self. Would you like to be me, to be Guildhall, for a while? You will have that opportunity, if you like.”

“Sounds interesting.”

“On the one condition” said Guildhall “you will show me your world, your life. I want just for a moment to feel how it is to be a human. Agreed?”


“All right. Touch the wall with your forehead. But not here, you are on the CCTV cameras here. The girl is watching you. OK. You will do that later. For now we can stay on this level of communication.”

“The girl? What a girl?” A level of my interest raised noticeably.

“A girl. A member of staff.”

“Really? She is watching me?”

“I got you. I have found your weak point. I would say it was not so difficult. That’s very human.”

“I am a man.”

“And she is a woman. Don’t be angry. I have seen many movies about gender issues. You know, love and so on.”

“That’s life. It just happens. ”

“But I do not understand that stuff.”

“Neither do I. Welcome to the club.”

“Well, on some level I do understand. But I do not know how it is to be a human. I do not know how it is to feel desire. I needed somebody like you. In the case of the girls…”


“I think you should go upstairs. Now. Go!”

“All right, all right. What’s the matter?” I asked while stepping on the stairs. And then I spotted a girl. A blond beauty appeared, passed me by and disappeared.

“This is the one who was watching me?” I whispered

“Not this one” Guildhall whispered back. “You think I have just a one girl here? I have a quite nice staff here, in terms of human’s category. Well, in terms of male’s category. Better stop sneaking around and go to your workshops. The girl, the other one, is still watching you. You do not want her to call police. I will be with you. “

“Oh, come on, I am doing nothing.”

“And that is your problem.”

“Really? Thanks.” I said and I turned in the direction when the girl disappeared.

“Wait! Not this way. The opposite direction. That way.” Said Guildhall.

“You said I am doing nothing. I wanted… well.. to do something.”

“Your session will start in less than five minutes. What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know. Pee? And stop talking to mouldered buildings? Just kidding. You have very nice interiors here. Those huge corridors and large chambers are very impressive.”

“You know, I was originally built in the 1890's as the civic headquarters for Gloucester City Council to designs by architect George Hunt.”

“Oh, really?”

I came into a comparatively small room. Several wanna-be… aaa… participants were already sitting there.

“Good evening.” I said and I opened the window wider. People were absorbed with their conversation.

“You have very uncomfortable chairs in this room here.” I complained.

“That’s not my fault.” Said Guildhall.

“And there is too hot here.”

“Not my fault either. Anyway, ask for a complaint form at the reception.”

“Very funny. Ok, I think we are starting.” I said.

Two women, leaders of our group said some jokes and some other stuff, not really related to the subject, blah, blah, blah, and we have started.

“You see?” asked Guildhall “The lady says you have to write something about me. And about the room. And later, as I told you, you will see me starting from the basement.”

“But first I have to observe something about this room and write about it.”

“So stop staring at the girls and start to observe the room.”

“I am not staring. Technically speaking, I am doing a mental exercise”

“A mental exercise?”

“Yes. I mentally undress women in my head. Men are really good at it. And that is the reason why women buy nice, sexy clothes.”

“Those here have nice, sexy clothes?”

“Not really. Maybe… maybe they want to put men’s attention to their personalities?”

“It gonna to work?”

“Eh, I don‘t think so. Anyway, it doesn‘t matter. Men’s eyes hardly notice clothes. We always detect a women‘s body under their clothes. Women are different. They put attention to nice clothes.”

“So men looks for women’s bodies, and women put attention to men’s and their own clothes?”

“Generally, yes. I learnt that it is better to go for shopping with a woman as an adviser, if you want buy something really cool. And if you have enough money. That’s the other thing which attracts women. Style is important. Shoes are very important, too.”

“That’s interesting. So, have you observed something apart of the girls?”

“I have already observed something about these chairs. They are uncomfortable, little bastards.”

“Try to understand them.” Said Guildhall. “How could you feel if people were farting on you?”

“You have a lot of empathy for them.” I said.

“Yes” said Guildhall. “Even a stupid wardrobe has a better chance to become famous. Especially, if you put a lion and a witch inside.”

“You have forgotten about the silver chair.”

“These are not silver.”

“I think” I said “The chairs here have a meeting around the table.”

“That’s very deep” said Guildhall. “Continue”

“I have noticed that sarcasm” I said.

“So, they have meeting around the table” said Guildhall innocently “And…?”

“And look, they are chairing around the table about their chairy things. But not all of them.”

“Not all of them?” Repeated Guildhall.

“Not. Those two are chairing some chairy secrets behind the others backs. And the two others over there do some chairy gymnastics. A one is standing on the other one with its legs up. Or maybe this is a kind of chairy intercourse? Chairy Kamasutra? Like those two chairs, a one is taking the other one from behind, doggy style.”

“You are sick” said Guildhall. “No, you are not sick. You are a male. I have noticed that the thing that lies at the very core of every human activity is sex. It is always about sex.”

“Well, often yes, but I would say this is not the ultimate answer. I would say life is always about reaching something that lies beyond. We look for it sometimes very far, and we cannot reach it. And then, a one day we notice, it was always with us, within our hearts. Then we can start to live for real. Sex is very important. Love is very important. Life’s journey is very important.”

“Yes. Becoming conscious of things is very important. I want to feel it. I want to understand” said Guildhall. “That’s why I want to feel how it is to be a human.”

“You are very human, you know.” I said “Maybe more human than actually many humans.”

“We, buildings, we are very human. We share our existence with you, humans. You build us. You are our fathers. When abandoned we may become wild. We need people and people need us.”

“So who is your mother?”

“Gaia, the Earth, she is the mother of everything on this planet. You can be built from the stones and wood, but you will always hear her voice, no matter which kind of building or place or thing you are.”

“What about a spacecraft?”


“Yes. A spacecraft, a spaceship.”

“Well, I think that spacecraft may hear the voice of the Universe, anyway. The earth and the Universe, they speak with the same voice. There is only the one voice in the universe. The universe is a system, and a system consists from many parts, but means a one.”

“I would like to hear that voice” I said.

“I am sure you can hear even as a human. You can hear that voice in every cell of your body. You are the part of this planet. And you already know how to talk with buildings. I am sure you would be able to talk with the rocks, trees, flowers and even with a bus-shelter. Maybe you will meet elves? Everything has its story. In other things we see ourselves.” “And” added Guildhall “tonight I will let you to be me for a while. And you give me the chance to get to know how it is to be a human, because I have no senses like you.”

“You want to posses me?” I smiled to the ceiling.

“No” He said protractedly “I just want to see what you have seen, smell what you have smelt, hear what you have heard, feel what you have felt. Only if you want. Only if you agree. That’s the only way.”

“And I will be you for a while?”

“Yes, for a very while”

“Sound’s fun. All right.”

“Great. It seems you will be going downstairs soon. People have finished that observing exercise.”

“What they have observed?”

“You haven‘t noticed? Apart of me, nothing really special. Plants, window, ceiling, door, ventilation system, table and chairs. Just imagine, they have even spotted the floor. Anyway, it is a quite remarkable achievement. Usually people do not see things unless they bump on them or need them. Moreover, they discovered not existing passage behind the fireplace and some ghosts and monsters there.”

“So do you have a monsters there?

“Just some spider monsters.”

“So, you have a secret passage there!”

“Oh, come on. Let me have some secrets.”

“Oki-doki. It seem to me, than before we go to your basement, we will have to listen to people’s revelations about your room here”

“Halloween is coming. I bet there will be mostly ghost stories”

“You are probably right”

“And because a bank is nearby, some stories about treasury”

“Smart ass. I want to say something”

“About chairs? You pervert!”

“Yes, maybe that’s too perverse for these ladies here” I admitted.

“Too perverse? Since when you are so shy and careful?”

“I am not!”

“I think you are. You humans, you have many taboos. You are afraid to be really yourselves. You think it is sinful or wrong to show your thoughts and emotions.”

“We do. But I am a writer. A wanna-be-a-writer.” I corrected myself “I cannot have taboos. I have to be different. And I am. There are no limits. Limits are in your head. But you have no head, Guildhall… Anyway, I am talking about social programming and that stuff. You know, I am different than other guys. But at the core I am a good person. Good people o not need commandments, bad people do. And after all, everything has its reason and its purpose.”

“What is your reason then? And the purpose?” Asked Guildhall

“Good questions.”

“So?” Insisted Guildhall

“So?” I repeated.

“So what is your reason? And your purpose?”

“I intuitively know the answers. I believe I do. It took some time, it took some work to figure out for myself. And a lot of considerations. But it is difficult to put it into the words just like that. If you listen to the voice of the Universe, you know what I mean. And this is more about a way of doing things, and about a way of thinking about life than about something else. Know yourself. That‘s it.”

“I think people are like buildings. So different and so the same.” said Guildhall

“That’s deep” I said.

“C’e la vie” he said

“Time to go. To see your basement and stuff.”

People were crowding near the lift. I was wandering nearby with Guildhall in my head.”

“You haven’t notice my exposition about the last flooding” said Guildhall accusingly.

“I’ve noticed. Very nice.”

“Very nice?! Niece?!” shouted Guildhall in my head. “It was terrible! Look at the line on the wall. It represents the maximum level of water. It was a catastrophe!”

“All right, I know that. Hey, look, who is she?”

“That’s your girl. I mean, that’s the one who was watching you on the monitor”

“Very interesting face”

“What do you mean?”

“She must be a very good person. Look at her face. What a beautiful smile! She must love life, sex and good food. She is very sensual. Body piercing is not in my style, but…”


“But let’s say, that in her case I could make an exception.”

“She is a lift operator tonight.”

“Is she?”

“Yes. So get her, tiger.”

“You have seen too many movies. Usually they are not real, you know? And now she is gone with the first group of people.”

“She will be back. There is a lot of you guys here. Everybody wants to be a writer these days. A lot of writers, a few readers.”

“That’s very good when people put down their thoughts and ideas. Writing is a powerful magic. Written words are able to change people’s life, they can even change the world.”
© copyrights MG
PS: It remains a kind of unfinished and unpolished but let's pretend is finished. Quite a long time ago I used to attend some Creating Writing Wordshops at Guildhall and it just had happened to me. Now I can see I could rewrite it to make it better, but... well... there are other projects on the top of my list now.