
Thursday 29 January 2015

Should I continue?

It has been a while (years) and today I revisited my blog. Should I continue blogging? I'll think about it. Nah....

Thursday 6 September 2012

You Can't Be Bothered

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Thursday 18 August 2011

Insanity of our culture

The level of insanity of our own culture can be somehow demonstrated based on the acceptance of insanity of other cultures. By ‘our’ culture I mean Western, secular, liberal culture which grew up thanks to enlightenment, science, industrial revolution, ancient Greeks, etc. Western culture should be rightfully considered the most advanced on this planet so far (unless unlikely of course, a theory about an ancient, more advanced civilisation would turn out to be true).

By insanity of other cultures I understand practices which are against universal human rights, such as honour killings, genital mutilation and other unacceptable customs. Some of those practices were wiped out due to influence of the West – for example sati (immolation of widowed women in India), cannibalism, human sacrifices, etc. But some questionable practices still exist and for some reasons – even in the Western countries – for example some elements of Islamic Sharia law which discriminates women.

Insanity of Western culture can be also somehow determined based on its own self-despise and confusion in issues like: multiculturalism, what are universal values and what we stand for? And of course, there are reasons for that.


Wednesday 17 August 2011

The funniest scientist

The title of the finniest scientist I would give to professor Neil deGrasse Tyson. Professor Tyson is astrophysicist and the first African American director of the Hayden Planetarium – among many other achievements and positions. He invented an expression death by “spagettoisation” – which happens when you fall into a black hole.


Tuesday 16 August 2011

David Starkey

I don’t believe historian David Starkey is a racist. His controversial statement: “Whites have become Blacks” on Fridays 12/8/2011 edition of BBC Newsnight was not racist. Besides, it seems to me, he was right. Of course, immediately he was attacked by PC-correct co-panellists. Sadly, the discussion deteriorated and “real talk” was obstructed. 


Monday 15 August 2011

Citizens should be treated like citizens not customers

A two days ago or so I had an idea what would be good for the society in regard to the chronically welfare depended parts of the society, like those who have never worked and live on benefits. The idea was that people should be treated like citizens not like consumers – if people get benefits then something should be expected of them anyway. Benefits should be not considered as a ransom being paid by the society to those who for some not straightforward reasons cannot work and otherwise would be on the streets or committing crimes. I believe simply giving them money or accommodation without any responsibilities in return is simply wrong and harmful. It creates an entitlement culture simply because individuals are treated by the society (and state) like customers, clients, “users” but not like citizens – citizens who have rights but also obligations.


Sunday 14 August 2011


As an immigrant I am very grateful for tolerance and inclusiveness of British society. Open, tolerant and inclusive society is a wonderful thing but there are some setbacks. Opposing different forms of discrimination is certainly the right thing to do.

However, I see a danger of new social taboos which make facing certain problems almost impossible. People who are trying to raise certain issues or even refer to certain facts are sometimes automatically branded certain terms and accused, for example, of racism or islamophobia. Pussyfooting, political correctness, multicultural sensitivity – all raised to such a level they became rules of the game.

At the moment it seems to me that this trend, this practice is not no longer as beneficial as it used to be back then in times when there was a huge level of discrimination. Nowadays it is rather harmful and prevents open discussion. People are constrained from having “real talk” and afraid of new social taboos. Others take advantage of it. Sometimes it looks like it is not so important what somebody is really saying but what others will make out of what he or she is saying. In the public sphere these days certain discussions are almost postponed in fear of offending somebody.